It's been few days of raining...We're having a heavy traffic jam here in Bukit Kuang due to the small bridge that linked us to Bandar Chukai.This is the only way for all workers in KSB, Perwaja,Teluk Kalong industrial area and for us as well:(( Actually I would like to address this as unnnecessary jam which could be avoided with 'sincere' management...
Previously, the jam will occurs during prime time (7-8am in the morning and 4-5pm in the evening).This condition will get worst during school time especially in the morning. It was like a must morning ritual la, being stranded in the jam!!! However, what I regret most is the complaint on the jambatan had gone for so long with no action taken!!! Worsen the condition with so many holes on the road due to heavy raining which contributed to seriously traffic jam (Hmmm, again something to ponder, why can't the road stand the weather exchange, while some of its still ok?? Which I think might related to cost cutting which lead to quality reducing).
Imagine it only took me 10 minutes driving to the office.Now it is more than an hour to reach home!!!! I was so geram as I feel like I'm working in KL which I kind of understand la if I'm in KL, but come on laaa we live in KEMAMAN!!! What a funny statement to make!!!
Added to my frustration list, is the shortage of water supply at the new building which is our faculty!!! We in the fourth level need to come down and went to other building everytime to fulfill our hajat!!! and now with the rainy season... warrrghhhh!!! Not to mention the leakage everywhere in the building...For some who read this might ask: Why don't you lodge a report instead of mumbling here??? The answer is, it's like mencurahkan air ke daun keladi..They'll came out with an annoyed answer,It's JKR or SATU..So we have to 'accomodate' ourselves and pandai2 la ko nak hidup!!!
Do it sounds like too much complaint here? But, be in our shoes:((
So, having to sometimes tahan the nature call, and having to face the bad traffic jam was soooo unbearable!!!
Please laaa all of us have our own role to play. I'll do mine and you do yours...won't it be nice???
Rye Crepes
2 days ago
yup k leni..tension gak ngan tganu ni...kat pahang hujan gak..tapi jalan mmg tak teruk sgt mcm kat tganu ni..sah2 cut cost!lagipun su nampak kat pahang tengah2 hujan tu pun dia repair jalan yg lobang..bagus betul
yup..i get confuse...ganu is one of the richest state but yet the facillities ....eemmm...wonder where goes all the hundreds millions of the oil royalties..opps sensitive tak boleh question all of this..although the money are actually for us..wish to have more accountability, transparency from those who manage all the money...
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