Alhamdulillah Aiman managed to finish his first day of Ramadhan. He kept on telling me to break his fast, but I told him to hold on as I knew he could finished it (from the way he was playing till afternoon, I knew that he can do it...) I told him that, with this starving he'll appreciate his bukak puasa time most... At around 3 pm he started making a food request...
"Mama, abang nak makan roti ngan sup yg macam kat pizza"
"Abang nak minum air jambu..."
At 5pm he asked me:
"Mama, kenapa mama tak masak lagi yg abang nak?"
At around 6pm, I started to prepare the meals: Mushroom soup with garlic bread, and ayam gulai for nasi. Aiman kept on counting hours to break his fast, until he fell asleep at 6pm due to exhaustion...pity him. About half an hour before maghrib prayer he sat at the table and checking for his ordered meal and satisfied everything was there on the table.
Finally it's bukak puasa time, he started with lots of garlic bread and mushroom soup without taken his nasi...and after that he told me...
"Mama best kan puasa ni..."
Rye Crepes
2 days ago
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